Upload a Custom Wordlist

Let’s walk through the process of uploading a custom wordlist on your BLACKBIRD Web App Pentesting Suite:


Navigate to New Wordlist Section

Navigate to the Wordlists section: /wordlists and click on “New Wordlist”


Provide a Wordlist Name

Provide a name for your wordlist, this will help you identify it later on.


Upload Your Wordlist

Finally, click on “Upload Wordlist” to select the wordlist file you’d want to upload and click on “Upload”.

Depending on how big your wordlist file is, it may take a while to upload it. Do NOT navigate away from the page while uploading.

Read and follow the best practices mentioned below for more information regarding the specific formats your wordlist must adhere to.

Best Practices

  • Make sure your wordlist is in plain text format (.txt and UTF-8 encoding)
  • Separate each word or entry with a new line
  • Comments in wordlist files are automatically ignored


Currently, every customer is only allowed to upload wordlists of up to 500 MB. Exceeding this limit will throw a warning and instruct you to delete unused wordlists to free up space.

Using A Custom Wordlist

Once you’ve uploaded your custom wordlist, you can now start using it. Learn more about how to use your custom wordlist.